Job And Learning

Friday 25 January 2019

5 Tips how to Get Rid of Lazy

My Writting

Taste of lazy is a very Remarkable poison in human beings like us. The lazy will make sense of the days we would not be productive. And of course all we want late will not achieved.

For that, the taste of this lazy must be eliminated. It's not instant but it can be done by habit. So it is lazy taste will disappear by itself.

Okay, here are 5 tips how to get rid of lazy:

1. Playing Sport

Yup, with the sports bodies into fits. If our body healthy and fit then of course any work we can do. Sports will also cultivate a healthy soul.

2. create a list of Daily

If you create a list of daily with a certain GOAL, then surely You will always remember it. If you do not, then you will feel concerned. So, inevitably you will definitely Act.

3. Do it now

Do now. Force yourself. Think of the future. Because no one will open the door to success except Andna himself.

4. Go to the Forum

Well, sometimes, new ideas will make you a growing passion. For that, go to the forum that you follow. Aktiflah aktiflah ask and answer. The more often you do then you'll get a spirit Soul.

5. Remember Your big dreams

Yes, the lazy will be crushed if you remember Your big dreams. Do you want to get married? Raise the Hajj parents? Pay debt? Buy A House? The Cost Of School Children? and many more. 

Remember the lazy will turn into the SPIRIT!