Job And Learning

Thursday 9 February 2017

How To Fix A Laptop Keyboard Error

  1. The following features of the keyboard notebook/netbook/laptop the error:
  2. One of the keyboard keys not functioning
  3. Button depressed to continue, such as when opening a notepad or office one of the buttons to appear on. Usually the most frequent direction button.
  4. A long beep sound is heard as the button is depressed continuously.
  5. Usually would fit lit must press one of the letters 

Well if laptop/notebook experience symptoms such as above, the trick is pretty easy. 
Tools required : Just a broken Keyboard and Hairdryer

The steps to do:
  • Loose connection-all the energy (and battrai carger, if not off could damage other components)
  • Loose keybord from laptop
  • Off all buttons keybord (be careful not to kaki2nya much less broken up missing. If you forget to take better photos of her, keybord in order not to forget by the time you reinstall the keyboard keys.
  • After all the spray off with a blow dryer. give more sprays on a key error.
  • After finishing install the button and attach the keyboard to the Laptop/NoteBook

If not it could be please to try again, if still not may also refer to the keyboard was indeed already not be repaired / total,

Advice me please you to buy a new keyboard.