How To Create SEO Friendly Articles And Quality. Blogger buddy, here I was
not an SEO expert, but basically this is about things that should have a
blogger in writing articles that should already be in the optimize well and
have a standard that is SEO friendly, but with this technique we also need a
little effort and patience in order to get good results in search engines,
because not all the blogs on position the same way or to the same factors.
Some bloggers may have had some way or another technique is different, it
depends on the popularity of the topic which they handle and to get
satisfactory results in the highest ranking in the search engines it is not
that there is a certain time, because it depends how we megelola our blog,
including in the subject which I will give here.
In my article, I will give you simple tips for you on how to
write a quality article in the eyes of the reader and SEO for search engines
with SEO optimization you can optimize your blog in the article.
1. focus on the topic of
Whatever topic your blog, when we want to optimize SEO for
an article is to stay focused on a particular subject and have clear goals
without getting out of topic.
for example: suppose you write an article about "Android Phone" then at the beginning of the sentence or the end of the sentence your post is about just that, do not let you discuss mobile android and finally even to tell about your story about the android mobile phone photos with friends, unless your blog is indeed a special private blog and tells the daily life or blog specialy place vent.
for example: suppose you write an article about "Android Phone" then at the beginning of the sentence or the end of the sentence your post is about just that, do not let you discuss mobile android and finally even to tell about your story about the android mobile phone photos with friends, unless your blog is indeed a special private blog and tells the daily life or blog specialy place vent.
2. specify the title of the post
The post title should be short and to the point, so in a
nutshell you summarize the content of the post or title that covers the content
of the posts, though concise but don't get even the main point you remove the
title or keyword in the target in the search, for example:
Collection Of All Mobile Releases Last Year On The Market
Best Android mobile phones by 2014
It's obvious that the first was not in definiskan well, and
the second is not only accurate but also highly relevant to what people are
looking at on the internet, lest you for wanting to include many but instead
remove the keyword targets that indeed many people search on relevant words.
3. Keyword (Keyword)
Keywords are terms that did the usual things where people do
a search with a specific keyword they want and here you have to try to focus on
them when we wrote the post, what keywords they often search for, then our
target keywords need to be input on the entire content of the posts, but still
carefully so as not to be too over in place the keywords in the post.
In the last week, the product release gadget that they've become tranding topics and many in use today, and experts delivered a speech about their best choice.
In the last week, android mobile phones product they
release, now has become the mobile android who becomes a trend and has been in
use, experts pass on their best options on android phones
In the first word I wrote with no term or without keyword and
on the second one I developed the phrase with stuffing keywords without
destroying the intent of the point, and here you have to be smart to put your
keywords with bijaksan and relevant, so as not to disturb the reader or
4. Use Bold and Italics (Bold, Italic)
The use of hurup thick to keywords is a good thing to
suppress of keywords and the keywords will be strong with a powerful wrapper
tag, but it needs to be remembered, I mean here is not the CSS code such as
"font-weight: bold;" and yet with Html like <b> or
In the last week, android mobile phones product they
release, now has become the mobile android who becomes a trend and has been in
use, experts pass on their best options on android phones
The results do indeed remain the same but this is not a
google robot, for this will be interesting so that highlights keywords that we
select will become a powerful keywords and look outstanding. more recommended
you also put in the beginning of the sentence.
5. using the external links/external links
Some people might say that the use of external links would
reduce the pagerank, because it will give you link juice to a blog on the go,
but not like that, using the link refferal who already formed their
credibility, will also help to establish the credibility of our own blog
External links will make points relevance hompage reduced if indeed we link a link that there is absolutely no Assyrian siccuth intent article that we make. as the article that we make is blogging and we link to external links with health topics, then that's the value here is the article's relevance and linkages with the external links that we go just use if we did need it.
External links will make points relevance hompage reduced if indeed we link a link that there is absolutely no Assyrian siccuth intent article that we make. as the article that we make is blogging and we link to external links with health topics, then that's the value here is the article's relevance and linkages with the external links that we go just use if we did need it.
One important thing we should know, in typical placements
such as "click here" or similar text on a link or anchor text that
contains links, the anchor text should be descriptive enough. example:
< a href = "URL Link" </a> > click here to know more
more information about the < a href = "URL links" > "Android Phone" </a>
In the first instance, anchor text is not relevant and
descriptive, but rather in the second example.
6. Optimization by adding images.
Posts with sample images are not only visually appealing,
but also helps the reader to understand the topic that we discussed with the
help of the image and it will really look relevant to readers, but don't get
too you add lots of pictures on the post so that it makes the loading be heavy,
so use reasonably.
7. Image optimization with menmbahkan the title attribute
Optimization by adding pictures is the thing to do for
maximum search results in search engines, so this is already discussed in my
previous article, and if you do not understand please feel free to read more
8. New and relevant Content
Don't just focus with writing articles but the article
should be relevant and different from other is certain the article is genuine
or original, it will look attractive for readers and serach engines, so make
the article interesting and different from the others, here you are
kretifitasnya than the test you just write the article alias copas copy paste,
I often see blogs that discuss the same things and the same article alias copy
paste , and it will also get confidence for the reader.
The final word
From some of the techniques I've described above will can improve your search results in google, because I don't think an awful
lot of newbies and may not know how to optimize SEO for content they create,
but that needs to be remembered is butuhnya effort and patience and you will
see the results you want from time to time.