Job And Learning

Monday 17 July 2017

6 Mistakes That Make a Blog is Difficult To Grow and Failed

The Thing That Makes A Blog Is Difficult To Develop. Blogger buddy, for a blogger is certainly eager to achieve success in the world of blogging that they are tekuni, including me of course, and I've always thought how the heck do I so that I manage this blog can succeed, that is certainly key in our success is hard work, diligence and patience plus the prayer parent.

Then on my article this time or on this occasion I would like to give a little description about why the heck we manage this blog never developed and developing, and may also give an overview of the little mistakes you make and you can fix it.

6 Mistakes That Make a Blog is Difficult To Grow and Failed

For the things I mentioned here are the things that come out of my own thoughts and from my experience in the world of blogging, there's no intent here to patronize or things feel so, because I also am learning, so if the point I mentioned here, do not agree with your thinking, you can lodge a complaint in the comments field below. for those who are already successful in the world of blogging you can ignore this article

6 mistakes that make a Blog is difficult to grow and Failed

1. My Blog is not genuine

You feel the fear that what you say or you write down will be seen is excessive and is not considered a quality or inferior, apologize in advance if I've said this, I mean here is that you don't have confidence over the results or the work you created yourself, you feel inadequate and compare with other people who we think are more genius

Blogger PAL, believe me, that people are genius though never escape from your mistakes and do you think there are ordinary people who were born a genius straight or clever. try we think that people are genius though originally would not know anything is not, and usually because of these feelings, is appears mind to steal other people's work or called copas so that we can be very good, to be honest ... I have never heard there was a pure blog successful and famous copaser.

In my thinking, this is the benchmark of what can make them successful, is because they can wake up from failures, learn from mistakes, and struggling, if you can't, try now learn, learn from mistakes and keslahan before, if you continue to learn, then I'm sure you'll be able to and so a great blogger, so the point value yourself also if I say, "I can"

2. I am not Consistent

Blogger buddy, in building a successful blog is need time and commitment. The potential of a blogger is to come from the focus in managing blogs, sometimes often becomes the reason "I have a lot of time because going out lol" is indeed beyond the control, sometimes they disappear, come again, create a new blog again, left it again, create a new blog again and not focus, it does not matter if you do not want success or just messing around, but for those of you who are seriously in the world of bloging , try to be consistent and focus, because that is our key to success in blogging world.

3. There is no Compulsion

Succeed in the blogging world is need a passion, in most cases a blogger who is not thriving is because there is no passion or impulses or a dedication that we need, we feel not excited in learning

Have you felt when you are not interested in blogging continues to see friends we discuss about things related to traffic or blogging, usually it will engender a sense of passion we again in learning blogging and it's obvious that triggered that spirit appeared, because we've got such a boost.

Try to join with them, discuss, learn, look for solutions, what you can’t ask? With the encouragement, sure your spirit in managing the blog will growing up.

4. I too many Thinkers, Less Implementation

If you study and think ideas are genius and poured directly in your article it is positiv, but do you people who like this: often see other people blog to read someone else's blog and got genius ideas have a good plan but never at all in article pour in because distracted, either confused because what I don't know ,

You must not get caught up in research as well as the continuous planning, and careful planning and execution without the harsh efforts will not produce anything, that is for sure if you are a I mentioned here then you are the one who is too many thinkers, have you ever heard this adage, little thinkers and much work, saying the original actually is indeed a little talking and a lot of work but it's just the same ...

5. I am in dizziness With the look of the Blog

Are you the person who is always on the pusingkan with the look of your blog or blog design, often replace template gunta spent time beautifying the blog, it's been a wonderful blog and then see a nice template, replace the brain again, atik again, then when you write the article, when you focus, long-duration you will feel stress on its own, the article is not made traffic did not exist, that is what often done or mistakes a beginner usually and eventually grow up.

6. Poor SEO, SEO and SEO

Supporting a successful blog is the large number of visitor traffic and it remained number one, if we want to bring a lot of visitors or traffic, is rated a high article in search engines, then the key to high rankings is to learn SEO and writing a quality article in good with the seriousness you.

Message: do not wait for perfection or genius came suddenly because it could not have come if you're not learning, then now is the time for you to install seat belts, turn the key and stepping on the gas pedal, and melajulah:) you might understand what I mean. I hope in the future, I hear stories of success and your adventures. GOOD LUCK 