Job And Learning

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Friday, 14 April 2017

How to Verify a Claim Or Alexa on WordPress

How to verify a Claim Or Alexa on WordPress – Alexa Rank is a ranking that measures the company's websites around the world. Alexa Also stands from the child's parent company Amazon.

Alexa in the lead by Andrew Ramm. In addition to several other great sites, Alexa has now become the benchmark of webmasters all over the world.

Not just a webmaster, a lot of the corporate ad network, which measures the health of the site via the alexa rank because it is believed, Alexa Rank Assessment is the most appropriate.

To be able to monitor the health of our site via the alexa rank, now with how to pay for the whole way. Unlike the first which can still be free. However, to simply monitor it is not paid. And you are required to verify your site's alexa rank.

If you are a wordpress site user, please follow the guidelines below.
Please log in or register at

·       Sign in to your Dashboard.
·       Then select on the right side of the Add New Site.
·       Input your url into the box provided and click viewpricingpland
·       Scrool to the bottom, and see Claiming your sites.
·       Enter again the website Url that you wish to claim.
·       Choose Method 2 to facilitate vertifikasi.
·       Alexa vertifikasi code will appear to you. Copy the code and pastekan under <head> before </head>.
·       Sign in to your WordPress Dashboard. Then to the Appearance Editor >> >> select URheader.php
·       Then pastekan your vertifikasi code.
·       Then save the File or Update your wordpress themes.
·       Back to Alexa Rank, click VerifyMyID.
·       And Finish. You can just edit your website info site on alexa ranks.

Actually, if you want to use the plugins, you can add plugins on wordpress to do vertifikasinya. But this method is not recommended because the later too many plugins that you use.

Alternatively, you can upload the code vertifikasi through the file manager of your hosting. May be useful.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

What Is A Backlink? Understanding And Benefits Of Backlinks

What Is A Backlink? Backlink – have an important role in SEO (read: what is SEO). The role of the backlink to your point of view cannot be underestimated. often the blogger-upstart blogger does not know what is a backlink, goals, how to make, and how to get a backlink. 

But for the senior blogger, seo practitioners, and which are familiar in internet marketing is certainly knowing the ins and outs of these backlinks. To that end, knowing what is a backlink, types, how to make and get it is important for your personal website or a prospective client.


Backlink, also known as incoming links, inbound links, InLinks, and backlinks, is incoming links to a website or web page. In basic link terminology, a backlink is any link received by a web node (web page, directory, website or top level domain) from another web node.

Inbound links were originally important (prior to the advent of search engines) as the basis of web navigation; Today, its importance lies in the ranking of search engine optimization (SEO). The number of backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of a Web site or page (for example, it is used by Google to determine the PageRank of a web page). 

Outside SEO, Backlinks web page possible vested interests, cultural or semantic significance. They show who makes attention to the page. (Wikipedia)


The benefits of SEO backlinks is obviously very visible effect. have a large role, backlinks became an expensive value in SEO. Google also says, that one of the aspects of the assessment of the popularity of a site or page website website one factor is backlinks. 

What's more, the kind of backlinks are types of backlinks in google suggest themselves are good for Search engines.

We are not saying and could not ascertain if the backlink you much, then the homepage or pages of your website will be also good in search engines. You need to know certain guidelines about good backlinks for SEO. and where a bad backlinks for SEO.


Right now, looking for backlinks have PR (PageRank) high is very difficult. Therefore, any backlink selling at a price that is pretty fantastic in my opinion. This is because Google has not updated the pagerank again.

Looking for a good backlink too many aspects that you must see. for example, the quality of a website that you will instill a backlink, authory, pagerank, and much more. However searching for backlink or get a backlink could use some way below.

* Blog Comment
* Forum posting/forum profile
* Article posting
* Bookmark site
* Site directory
* And many more.

If you are looking for one by one these backlinks are certainly going to be a constraint. due to lack of time, but there is a way with engineering Footprint SEO can filter out backlinks in google searches as you want. But you need to know, there is also a Backlink that is Do Follow and No Follow-you should know the good and the bad impact both the backlink. (discussed in the next posting do & no follow backlinks.)


Create a backlink is not difficult. If you are using a blogging platfrom like blogger, wordpress, etc, create backlink can directly in the menu of the posting. so, you were not bothered to make it. However, here are some things you should know HTML from the backlink.

<b> < a href = "" > Your Keywords </a></b>
< a href = "" > Your Keywords </a>
< a href = ' destination url ' title = ' title link ' rel = ' nofollow ' > this anchor text </a>
< a href = ' destination url ' title = ' this for the title ' > this anchor text </a>

Please adjust or replace according to your needs. Thus, I hope you've already stand to what is a Backlink and a complete explanation of this. Thank you.